Monday, March 28, 2011

AXIMCom X-116NX press releases on E-Zone

Hong Kong No. 1 Technology media—E-Zone recommends that AXIMCom X-116NX as the best wireless networking product for home network. The press indicates that features of X-116NX are TurboNAT, Gigabit and iDBM which providing faster and more reliable broadband sharing environment.

iShare MR-102N press releases on Mac Today

MacToday indicate that AXMCom iShare MR-102N is the smartest accessory of smart phone. iShare MR-102N can work with iPhone/ Andorid/ BlackBerry/ Windows Mobile and huge range of 3G/4G modern. In addition, it does also can be a wireless AP. iShare MR-102N is equipped a long-lasting battery; you can stay internet connection for 2.5 hours and can be iPhone battery pack.